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Denying Human Rights Enables Human Trafficking
Denying Human Rights Enables Human Trafficking
by Sienna Mitchell, Staff Journalist
This article proudly sponsored by BonePage East Anglia Dating Profiles
Human trafficking thrives wherever human rights are denied. In our latest BonePage Blog post, we examine how systemic marginalization puts vulnerable communities at increased risk and actually fuels human trafficking and exploitation. BonePage stands for freedom of speech, civil liberties, and sexual freedom—but we strongly oppose human trafficking or sexual exploitation in any form.
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BonePage Takes A Stand Against Human Trafficking
BonePage.com and BonePage Media is committed to ethical standards. We urge all other adult businesses and service providers to join us in rejecting human trafficking and sexual exploitation. We challenge other adult businesses to publicly post a statement condemning these crimes and to support organizations such as Polaris Project and Freedom Network USA, or any of the many dedicated groups working to eradicate human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Together, we can self-police to ensure that the adult industry remains a space built on consensual interactions.